UPDATE 22/2/15: OK apparently the reason for the mess is that lirc_serial needs to be compiled/provided/supported by the kernel and is not included in recent lirc versions.
ELREPO has kmod-lirc for Centos that seems to work out of the box (manually load it after "
setserial /dev/ttyS? uart none" for el7 too). So you can install lirc using yum.
I needed to turn on the AC unit in a small server room. It would go off when a power failure occurred.
I purchased a
serial transceiver from Iguana works.
Since Centos' (2.6.18-274.7.1.el5) lirc package did not include the default driver and lirc_serial modules, I downloaded
lirc-0.8.7 (lirc-0.9.0 would not compile).
Compilation is pretty straight forward:
make install
During setup I chose the serial port the transceiver was on.
Next steps are:
Copy the init script from contrib and adjust it to your requirements. Do not start lirc though.
Here is my init script:
# lirc: This is an init script for RedHat distribution.
# Author: Denis V. Dmitrienko
# chkconfig: 345 95 10
# description: lirc is a Linux Infrared Remote Control system.
# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
[ -f /usr/local/sbin/lircd ] || exit 0
[ -f /usr/local/sbin/lircmd ] || exit 0
# Load LIRC config
[ -f /etc/sysconfig/lirc ] && . /etc/sysconfig/lirc
# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting Infrared Remote Control: "
setserial $PORT uart none
if [ "$MODULES" != "" ]; then
IFS=" "
modprobe $MODULE
daemon lircd --device=$DEVICE --driver=$DRIVER $LIRCD_ARGS $LIRC_CONFIG
daemon lircmd $LIRC_CONFIG
touch /var/lock/subsys/lirc
echo -n "Shutting down Infrared Remote Control: "
killproc lircmd
killproc lircd
rm -f /var/lock/subsys/lirc
status lircd
status lircmd
$0 stop
$0 start
echo "Usage: lirc {start|stop|status|restart}"
exit 1
exit 0
Create /etc/sysconfig/lirc file:
# Arguments which will be used when launching lircd
# Run "lircd --driver=help" for a list of supported drivers.
# Check which the name when lirc_serial is loaded
# lirc_dev will be loaded automatically
#the serial port of your device
Try to start lirc now.
Make sure that lirc_serial is loaded i.e. lsmod | grep lirc should produce something similar to:
lirc_serial 16980 1
lirc_dev 17176 3 lirc_serial
AC remote signals are more like complete status updates than state relative commands. irrecord will not work with that. Use
mode2 -m and for each remote command capture the output in a file. Lircd must be stopped in order for mode2 to work Remove any blank lines and the first line if it only contains one number (leave any 6 columns of numbers). Repeat the process for any other states you wish. Capturing under fluorescent light can cause errors so turn off the lights for better results. When you use mode2 lirc should not be running.
Create the /etc/lirc/lircd.conf file and add the data from the previous step inside the raw_codes section. Precede each data block with a name line as shown below.
begin remote
name AC
frequency 38000
gap 107326
begin raw_codes
name ON_24
9115 4427 698 1594 585 1710
661 460 688 455 585 536
716 429 585 1708 691 1629
617 1675 585 1708 688 1606
689 457 663 455 691 455
666 455 691 1629 592 1700
585 1708 610 1681 719 430
689 429 689 457 666 455
691 455 689 457 689 1603
692 429 716 1576 717 429
589 532 716 430 584 562
591 530 690 456 689 429
691 458 688 430 689 1603
717 432 582 563 590 529
717 429 691 430 716 430
691 430 686 460 688 430
719 429 689 458 663 455
607 514 716 430 585 535
717 1601 690 431 690 455
689 458 665 456 660 458
691 455 608 512 691 455
587 534 691 456 690 455
585 536 691 455 587 531
692 457 589 530 690 456
607 538 591 530 691 455
666 455 691 455 663 456
690 1604 716 431 605 540
590 528 694 453 665 456
690 455 666 455 688 458
665 453 694 455 691 1601
691 455 615 1677 608 513
691 455 589 530 693 455
605 540 610 509 691 456
665 455 691 455 666 455
690 456 665 1627 606 1687
name ON_25
9034 4483 663 1629 663 1629
663 483 587 534 663 483
587 534 661 1631 663 1657
663 1629 663 1629 663 1657
636 1656 635 486 661 485
636 482 663 1657 668 1624
587 1708 633 1659 689 457
635 486 661 485 635 483
663 483 663 1632 663 1629
688 458 587 533 687 460
642 476 663 483 587 559
589 532 663 483 591 530
662 484 635 483 663 1632
662 484 607 538 615 506
663 484 589 529 663 483
637 484 688 458 636 484
663 484 662 484 663 457
661 485 636 482 608 513
663 1657 663 455 689 458
665 481 663 457 664 482
638 483 608 510 691 455
587 535 662 483 664 482
585 536 663 483 585 536
689 457 587 531 664 482
608 538 587 534 663 483
592 529 663 483 638 480
666 1629 688 458 608 538
587 534 663 483 589 529
666 480 638 483 663 482
639 483 662 484 663 1629
691 455 614 1678 587 534
663 483 589 531 664 482
608 539 639 1653 608 512
664 483 584 534 665 483
587 532 690 1602 691 1629
name OFF
9144 4425 642 1652 583 1710
688 430 693 453 663 458
692 454 607 1685 693 1627
591 1701 584 1708 691 1603
692 1601 693 453 638 482
692 455 605 1687 693 1627
665 1627 665 1627 591 530
693 453 665 453 694 455
605 541 665 453 693 453
668 452 694 452 666 456
691 455 665 453 693 455
692 455 665 452 692 429
694 453 633 487 691 1627
668 452 693 453 691 455
666 456 688 429 694 455
658 461 692 453 608 513
691 455 693 453 605 516
691 455 589 529 693 453
593 1702 606 512 694 452
694 455 605 513 695 451
610 511 693 453 665 455
692 455 605 541 638 480
693 456 665 453 693 453
666 455 691 455 665 455
691 455 691 456 665 453
691 430 693 453 661 459
691 455 606 513 693 455
691 455 606 513 693 452
611 510 694 453 637 483
691 455 633 513 589 1703
634 487 691 1629 665 453
661 460 691 455 633 485
694 453 693 455 606 1686
689 1603 694 1599 693 1601
691 455 605 513 694 1626
end raw_codes
end remote
The gap value can be any number similar to what I've used, it does not matter since it doesn't apply for AC remotes. If it
's too big it will block irsend for a significant amount of time though.
Next step is to try and start lirc. If all goes well you should be able to try sending commands using:
for instance:
irsend SEND_ONCE AC ON_24